Dominique Donette
Director of Government Affairs
Dominique has 15 years of nonprofit experience focused on eliminating inequities in education, spanning roles across the sector. Prior to EdVoice she worked to increase representation of Black male teachers as an external affairs consultant at Urban Ed Academy. In her last full time role, Dominique represented the CA/HI State NAACP as a Lobbyist and Public Affairs Specialist. She is most proud of the work she did in Post-Katrina New Orleans with Kids Rethink New Orleans Schools, centering the voices of youth in the local education system.
Dominique stays connected to her community by sitting on the boards of one school and two nonprofits and volunteering at organizations and campaigns she believes in.
Dominique earned her undergraduate degree from the University of California, Berkeley, her M.Ed. in Education Policy and Management from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and her M.Ed. in Educational Leadership as a fellow in the Broad Residency in Urban Education. She is currently pursuing her Ed.D. at Tennessee State University where her research focus is Black teacher pipelines. Though she is grateful for formal schooling, she uplifts the wisdom of her elders, family and mentors who have poured into her.
Dominique believes all people should be treated with respect and dignity and actively fights for the liberation of the least remembered. She does her best to find magic in the mundane and is excited to do work that is urgent and impactful at EdVoice.