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Governor Newsom Press Release

California to Screen 1.2 Million Kids for Reading Challenges Earlier than Ever Before

Governor Gavin Newsom announced that California’s Reading Difficulties Risk Screener Selection Panel has identified and approved reading difficulties risk screening instruments for K-2 students. EdVoice sponsored the initial legislation in 2023 that ultimately led to passing universal screenings for reading difficulties, including dyslexia, as part of the state budget.

For Immediate Release: EdVoice Sponsors Early Literacy Legislation (AB 2222)

Today, Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) introduced a new early literacy bill, AB 2222, to ensure a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to teaching all of California’s elementary school students how to read and addressing the deep inequities around reading achievement for California’s most vulnerable students. The bill has bipartisan support from 13 co-authors and is sponsored by EdVoice, Decoding Dyslexia CA and Families In Schools.

For Immediate Release: Early Literacy Policy Brief Just Released

Our sister organization, EdVoice Institute—in collaboration with its California Early Literacy Coalition partners at Decoding Dyslexia CA, 21st Century Alliance, Families In Schools, and California Reading Coalition—is excited to announce the release of its Early Literacy Policy Brief. The brief proposes a research-based early literacy policy agenda anchored in the Science of Reading that, if passed and implemented effectively, will help California accelerate its path toward literacy for all students by the third grade.

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