For Immediate Release: EdVoice CEO Statement on 2025-26 State Budget
Today, in response to Governor Newsom’s announcement of a proposed state budget for 2025-2026, EdVoice CEO Marshall Tuck issued the following statement:
“EdVoice is pleased to see the deep focus on literacy instruction and instructional materials in the Governor’s proposed budget, as reading is the most essential skill for future learning and opportunity. A persistent reading achievement gap exists between California’s low-income and non-low-income students, so we must continue to prioritize literacy instruction. We must also ensure that teacher training in evidence-based literacy instruction is required for elementary school teachers, and all instructional materials align with evidence-based practices and the foundational reading skills needed for students to become fluent readers.
Quality teachers matter most to a student’s academic success, so it’s encouraging to see continued funding for the Golden State Teacher Grant Program and National Board Certification Incentive Program, both of which increase the number of quality teachers at high-needs schools. EdVoice is optimistic that the administration will create a pathway for these and other one-time initiatives with proven success in recruiting and retaining teachers to become permanent programs. For the new Teacher Recruitment Incentive Program, our hope is that the administration will ensure the focus is on the highest-needs schools.”